Racial discrimination
TED Topic- The urgency of intersectionality | Kimberlé Crenshaw
TED TOPIC Link -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akOe5-UsQ2o&t=2s
This TED talk is all about racial discrimination. The first question that comes to our mind is what is racial discrimination.
Racial discrimination is any discrimination against any individual on the basis of their skin color or racial or ethnic origin. This is one of the biggest social issues being faced by black people around the world. As we have seen in this ted-talk many people despite their age, gender or place are being discriminated only because of their skin color and place. The worse thing is, this discrimination comes in the form of killing, rape, harassments liking serious inhumane activities.
As miss Kimberlé Crenshaw an African woman told about some of them. As she said Freddie Gray, Eric Garner Tamir Rice, Mike Brown, Megan Hockaday, Michelle Cusseaux, Aura Rosser, Tanisha Anderson are African Americans who were killed and became the victim of racial discrimination. This list is very small, like a drop in the ocean who has been faced this crime.
Pic Credit- TedTalks(YouTube)
Above are the pictures of some of the innocent American African people about whom I mentioned. Despite skills and education, these people are debarred from good jobs. They ended their life by doing unskilled jobs.
Graphical interpretation of racial discrimination
pic Credit https://www.statista.com/
The above graph is about the number of victims of race-based hate crime in the United States in 2019. It is clearly seen from the above picture that racial discrimination is not ended yet.
In old times these people don’t have the right to vote also they cannot get any reputed job in the government sector. They were forcefully made slaves.
We all know about the Twitter hashtag '#BlackLivesMatter' This comes after 46-year-old African-American George Flyod was killed by four policemen in the year 2020.
Initiatives to eradicate racial discrimination
Many countries came together to fight against this. In the current scenario, almost every country has rules against this discrimination.
On 21 March the police in Sharpeville, South Africa, opened fire and killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration against apartheid "pass laws" in 1960. To spread awareness, the United nation considered this day as world International Day for the Elimination of Racial. This year it was celebrated with the theme “Youth standing up against racism”. And also spread awareness among people through social media by running #FightRacism. This year many people especially the young of all ethnicity came front and supported this moment with an open hand.
Many NGOs came forward to help the victim and spread awareness among people. Many famous activists lost their lives fighting against this discrimination. As we know about Martin Luther King Jr. who was assassinated on 4 April 1968. Rosa Louise McCauley Parks an African American woman supported Martin Luther King Jr. in this movement. Mahatma Gandhi fought against racial discrimination in South Africa. Although this list is very long. But these people brought awakening moments in society.
In India also B. R. Ambedkar came forward to end 2000 years old racial discrimination. Today in India lots of NGOs and society is available whose work is to spread awareness among the people. The Constitution of India prohibited and gave the right to live with honor and dignity to everyone.
The mindset has to be changed. So spreading awareness is the most effective tool to change the mindset of people. The view of the world against black people is changing. After the affords of social activists we can see the changes among the society. Now people are accepting them even at higher positions. The first African American President was Barak Obama. As Rome was not Built in a Day likewise discrimination cannot be eradicated immediately.
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